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What's New With Us and JC!!

Whats new with us!
Well, I just had a feild trip to the court house, and one of the judges fell asleep!! It was soo funny! tonight I have to work, but it's all good, I have a 4 day weekend!! As for Nicole, she didn't go on the feild trip, she goes on a later date. IM me if you want to know what's up! yahoo= jillian_chasez AIM= Jillian Chasez MSN= rainman0246@hotmail.com

What's new with JC!
Well as you all should know by now JC and Bobbi broke up, which i am happy about becuase I heard she was a total bitch! Well I heard that she was really mean to the fans and even made JC cry!!!! Well for more sad news, Wild Orchids CD is not coming out as of now! But a girl named Mellisa has an online petition for Wild Orchid and the release of their CD "FIRE"! She so far has collected 1,586 signatures, her goal is to get 3,000. Here is a the web page for you if you decide to sign the petition and get JC's words out there: http://www.geocities.com/stacyfan/homepage.htm

You can find a link in the "Favorite Links" section!

SO I will post more when I find out more!

Thank You for checking out the "What's New" page!!!!