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Joshua Scott Chasez's Biography
About JC
Joshua Scott Chasez was born on 8th August 1976 in Washington DC under the star sign Leo. As a thirteen - year - old JC began his career in show business. A friend of his persuaded him to take part in an audition for the successful " Mickey Mouse Club ". Although, at that time, JC hadn't had any experience in show business he delivered a perfect performance. The talent scouts were so enthusiastic about JC's talents that they offered him the job of presenter of the show.

Through this his life was fundamentally changed. With his father, he relocated to Orlando and soon realised that working in show business wasn't all fun, rather, it also involved a lot of hard work. JC didn't only present the show, he also sang current Top 40 hits as well as dancing along to them. Short videos and comedy sketches had also to be performed and recorded. In addition to all the work for the Mickey Mouse Club JC's father made sure that JC's schoolwork wasn't neglected. During his many years of working for the MMC JC got to know young Justin.

It could be said that JC really is a seasoned veteran in show business. Moreover, the other 'N SYNC members profit from his experience and professionalism. JC is also the one in the group who encourages the others to get to bed early when there's a photo shoot the next morning.

JC also loves sport, with football being his favourite. Through his constant travelling, this young man with the beautiful blue eyes, can also easily add to his collection of beloved " Hard Rock Cafe " menus. Listening to calming music or watching a nice video helps him recover from the stress of touring.

JC is not just the band's old hand, he is also an absolute bundle of energy. It's not so surprising then that his rotation by the choreographed moves are the fastest. His strength is the power of his emotional expression. When he sings song texts like, for example, " I fell the pain with or without you ... " in the final part of " Tearin' Up My Heart " you can see the soul in his eyes. And in such situations you just want to call out to him and tell him not to worry, that everything will be all right !

Questions and Answers
What advice would you give someone starting a music career?
"Don't be afraid to ask for help."
What other artists inspired you?
"Sting, Seal, Stevie Wonder, and a million more. "
What makes you blush?
"I don't know but it would take a lot."
What are your personal and professional goals?
"To take part in a long lasting song."
Do you have a pet?
"No, and i am jelous of the other guys for having them."
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
"I'm very stubborn."
would you ever pierce your nose?
If you had one wish granted to you what would it be?
"To live a long and happy life."
Finish this sentence. I cannot get enough of.....
What do you collect?
"Hard Rock Cafe menu's."
What is the most daring thing you have ever done?
"Jumped off a two story building.
What is the secret to your success?
"Dedication, persistence, and hard work."
What will you be doing in 10 years?
"Hopefully music!"
What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear?
"My leather jacket."
If you had to choose between love, money and fame, which would you choose?
"Love. Everything else is OK though."
How do you know if a song is going to be a hit?
"You just feel it."
What do you miss the most when you are on the road?
"My own bed."
What do you do if you get a sore throat and have to perform?
"Gargle salt water and drink warm tea with honey."
Are you superstitious?
"A little bit."
What is your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?
"With family and friends."
What is a common misconception about you?
"I don't know I'm pretty up front."
What is your greatest fear?
"I hate needles !"
What is your most disgusting habit?
"I chew my nails."
What is the biggest mistake you have made?
"Walked on a floor that had just been finished."
What is your favorite holiday?
If you could grant one wish, what would it be?
"To cure suffering."
What is your favorite NSYNC song?
"I Thought She Knew"
What is your favorite cartoon character?
"Plastic Man"
What is your favorite TV channal?
What is your favorite breakfast?
"Eggs and O.J."
Do you have any peircings?
"Well yes in my left ear, but I never wear it"
Do you have any good asvice for your fans?
"Focus, and anything can be done"
Do you play any instruments?
"Keyboard and guitar"
What do you like on your pizza?
What is your favorite color jelly bean?
Have you ever broken a bone?
"Yes, my ankle"

If you have any NSYNC pictures that you would like to see on our web site than feel free to e-mail me at: